pouet package


pouet.clouds module

class clouds.Clouds(name, fimage=None, debugmode=False)[source]

This class loads and analyses an all sky image of the Sky and returns an observability map that can be used by another method to advise the observer on the sky quality.

Note:This module can also be used to explore older images, see the example code in __main__().

Initialises the class

  • fimage – (default is None) filename of the all sky image to analyse
  • name – (default is “LaSilla”) name of the location to load the right config file
  • debugmode – whether or not POUET is in debugmode. If true, it ought to return some static and dummy data


detect_stars(sigma_blur=1.2, threshold=8, neighborhood_size=20, fwhm_threshold=5, meas_star=True, return_all=False)[source]

Analyses the images to find the stars.


describe algo in more details

  • sigma_blur – Sigma of the Gaussian kernel (in px)
  • threshold – threshold of detection
  • neighborhood_size – footprint of the maximum and minimum filters
  • fwhm_threshold – select objects smaller than this fwhm
  • meas_star – if not interested in computing fwhm for all objects bypass and return positions of objects
  • return_all – if True, returns the positions of stars + detected objects otherwise only stars
get_observability_map(x, y, threshold=50, filter_sigma=2)[source]

Returns an observability map (an image of the sky)

  • x – x coordinates of detected stars
  • y – y coordinates of detected stars
  • threshold – distance threshold in px of stars such that we have observations
  • filter_sigma – sigma of the Gaussian kernel, default=2

an observability map with the same dimension as the input image.


Downloads the current all sky from the server and saves it to disk. The url of the image is retrived from the corresponding configuration file.


Downloads the image, detects the stars and returns the observability map

Parameters:donotdownloadtime – minimum elapsed time before re-downloading an image, default: 1.5 min.
Returns:an observability map with the same dimension as the input image. Then, use all sky get image coordinate method to retrieve observability for a given target.
clouds.fwhm(data, xc, yc, stampsize, show=False, verbose=False)[source]

Fits a 2D Gaussian profile and returns the FWHM in px

  • data – the stamp containing the image
  • xc – centroid x position
  • yc – centroid y position
  • stampsize – size of nominal square stampe
  • show – shows a diagnostic plot of the fit
  • verbose – should I speak?

fwhm in px

clouds.gaussian(params, stamp, stampsize)[source]

Returns a 2D gaussian profile

  • params – a list of the Gaussian profile: centroid (x and y), sigma (std), intensity (i0) and constant background (sky)
  • stamp – the original imagette
  • stampsize – the size of the stamp to draw the Gaussian in.

residues of the gaussian - stamp

clouds.loadallsky(fnimg, station, return_complete=False)[source]

Loads the all sky image

Parameters:return_complete – returns the masked image and the unmasked image
Returns:Masked image or masked image and original image. Note that if cannot download, returns None or None, None.

Converts from RGB to gray.


The all sky in LaSilla is not RGB, but JPG is is 3D…

pouet.main module

pouet.meteo module

Define the METEO class and related functions

Meteo is an object containing all the external weather condition (wind speed and direction, temperature, moon position, clouds pattern,…) It is the only object that interact outside POUET, i.e. communicate with website to get the meteo,…

Observables interact only with Meteo to get their constaints (position to the moon, angle to wind, …)


Do NOT call this site.py otherwise it clashes with some weird Python system package.

class meteo.Meteo(name='uknsite', time=None, moonaltitude=None, moonazimuth=None, sunaltitude=None, sunazimuth=None, winddirection=-1, windspeed=-1, cloudscheck=True, fimage=None, debugmode=False)[source]

Class to hold the meteorological conditions of the current night and the location of the site

Typically, a Site object is created when POUET starts, and then update itself every XX minutes

get_AzAlt(alpha, delta, obs_time=None, ref_dir=0)[source]

idea from http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/Alt_Az.php

Compute the azimuth and altitude of a source at a given time (by default current time of execution), given its alpha and delta coordinates.

get_moon(obs_time=<Time object: scale='utc' format='datetime' value=2018-02-28 13:39:37.706589>)[source]
get_nighthours(obs_night, twilight='nautical')[source]

return a list of astropy Time objects, corresponding to the different hours of the obs_night

get_sun(obs_time=<Time object: scale='utc' format='datetime' value=2018-02-28 13:39:37.706872>)[source]
get_twilights(obs_night, twilight='nautical')[source]

return a list of astropy Time objects: twilight in, twilight out


The twilight times in PyEphem don’t take into account the altitude ! See https://github.com/brandon-rhodes/pyephem/issues/102

update(obs_time=<Time object: scale='utc' format='datetime' value=2018-02-28 13:39:37.706045>, minimal=False)[source]

minimal=True update only the moon and sun position. Useful for predictions (as you can’t predict the clouds or winds, no need to refresh them)


Excecutes the clouds code, if map not available, saves None to cloudmap

updatemoonpos(obs_time=<Time object: scale='utc' format='datetime' value=2018-02-28 13:39:37.705180>)[source]
updatesunpos(obs_time=<Time object: scale='utc' format='datetime' value=2018-02-28 13:39:37.705752>)[source]

pouet.obs module

Define the Observable class, the standard object of pouet, and related functions

class obs.Observable(name='emptyobservable', obsprogram=None, attributes=None, alpha=None, delta=None, minangletomoon=None, maxairmass=None, exptime=None)[source]

Class to hold a specific target from any observational progamm

Unvariable parameters are defined at initialisation

Variable parameters (distance to moon, azimuth, observability,…) are undefined until associated methods are called


Computes altitude and azimuth of the observable.

Parameters:meteo – a Meteo object, whose time attribute has been actualized beforehand

Computes altitude and azimuth of the observable.

Parameters:meteo – a Meteo object, whose time attribute has been actualized beforehand

Computes the distance to the moon

Parameters:meteo – a Meteo object, whose time attribute has been actualized beforehand

Computes distance to the Sun

Parameters:meteo – a Meteo object, whose time attribute has been actualized beforehand

Computes the angle to wind

Parameters:meteo – a Meteo object, whose time attribute has been actualized beforehand
compute_observability(meteo, cwvalidity=30, displayall=True, cloudscheck=True, verbose=True, future=False)[source]

Update the status using update(). Compute the observability, a value between 0 and 1 that tells if the target can be observed at a given time. Also define flags for each parameter (moon, wind, etc…)

The closer to 1 the better 0 is impossible to observe

  • meteo – a Meteo object, whose time attribute has been actualized beforehand
  • displayall – boolean
Returns:Observable: a python deep copy of the current observable

Computes whether the pointing direction is cloudy according to the altaz coordinates in memory

Parameters:meteo – a Meteo object, whose cloudmap attribute has been actualized beforehand

todo: instead of taking altaz coordinates in memory, shouldn’t we use meteo.time to recompute altaz on the fly?

Note:is_cloudfree is actualized with 0: cloudy or 1: no clouds. If unavailable, returns 2: connection error, if error during computation of observability from map: 3

Update the observable parameters according to the meteo object passed: altitude, azimuth, angle to wind, airmass, angle to moon and angle to sun.

Parameters:meteo – a Meteo object, whose time attribute has been actualized beforehand
obs.rdbexport(observables, filepath, namecol=1, alphacol=2, deltacol=3, obsprogramcol=4, verbose=False)[source]

Export a list of observables as an rdb catalogue, to be read again later

obs.rdbimport(filepath, namecol=1, alphacol=2, deltacol=3, obsprogramcol=4, startline=1, obsprogram=None, verbose=False)[source]

Import an rdb catalog into a list of observables

obs.showstatus(observables, meteo, obs_time=None, displayall=True, cloudscheck=True)[source]

Using a list of observables, print their observability at the given obs_time. The moon position and all observables are updated according to the given obs_time. The wind is always taken at the current time.

displayall = True allows all the targets to be displayed, even if they cannot be observed

pouet.run module

High-level functions around meteo and obs Running the script should provide a minimal text output

run.hide_observables(observables, criteria)[source]
run.refresh_status(meteo, observables=None, minimal=False, obs_time=None)[source]

Refresh the status

  • observables
  • obs_time

run.startup(name='LaSilla', cloudscheck=True, debugmode=False)[source]
Initialize meteo

pouet.util module

Useful functions and definitions

util.check_value(var, flag)[source]
util.elev2airmass(el, alt, threshold=10.0)[source]

Converts the elevation to airmass. :param elevation_deg: elevation [radians] :param alt: altitude of station [m] :return: air mass This is the code used for the Euler EDP at La Silla.

util.excelimport(filename, obsprogram=None)[source]
util.grid_points(res_x=400, res_y=200)[source]

Generates grid points on the sky

util.hilite(string, status, bold)[source]

Graphism: colors and bold in the terminal


Reads in a config file

util.readpickle(filepath, verbose=True)[source]

I read a pickle file and return whatever object it contains. If the filepath ends with .gz, I’ll unzip the pickle file.

util.takeclosest(dico, key, value)[source]

Assumes dict[key] is sorted. Returns the dict value which dict[key] is closest to value. If two dict[key] are equally close to value, return the highest (i.e. latest). This is much faster than a simple min loop, although a bit more tedious to use.

util.writepickle(obj, filepath, verbose=True, protocol=-1)[source]

I write your python object obj into a pickle file at filepath. If filepath ends with .gz, I’ll use gzip to compress the pickle. Leave protocol = -1 : I’ll use the latest binary protocol of pickle.

pouet.plots module

plots.plot_airmass_on_sky(target, meteo, ax=None)[source]

Plots the airmass evolution on the sky of a given target at a given time.

  • target – a pouet.obs.Observable class instance
  • meteo – a pouet.meteo.Meteo class instance
  • ax – the matplotlib axis to plot on. If None, then plot on a new figure
plots.plot_target_on_sky(target, figure=None, northisup=True, eastisright=False, boxsize=None, survey='DSS', cmap='Greys')[source]

Uses astroquery (hopefully soon accessible from astropy.vo) to plot an image of the target

plots.shownightobs(observable, meteo, obs_night=None, savefig=False, dirpath=None, verbose=False)[source]

Plot the observability of one observable along the night

#todo: add the option to be returned in an Axes object instead of plotting