Source code for meteo

Define the METEO class and related functions

Meteo is an object containing all the external weather condition (wind speed and direction, temperature, moon position, clouds pattern,...)
It is the only object that interact outside POUET, i.e. communicate with website to get the meteo,...

Observables interact only with Meteo to get their constaints (position to the moon, angle to wind, ...)

.. warning:: Do *NOT* call this `` otherwise it clashes with some weird Python system package.

import astropy.coordinates.angles as angles
from astropy.time import Time
#todo: using requests instead of urllib, that has versioning issues ?
#import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import ephem
import numpy as np
import os 

import util
import clouds

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Meteo: """ Class to hold the meteorological conditions of the current night and the location of the site Typically, a Site object is created when POUET starts, and then update itself every XX minutes """ def __init__(self, name='uknsite', time=None, moonaltitude=None, moonazimuth=None, sunaltitude=None, sunazimuth=None, winddirection=-1, windspeed=-1, cloudscheck=True, fimage=None, debugmode=False): = name self.location = util.readconfig(os.path.join("config", "{}.cfg".format(name))) self.get_telescope_params() self.weatherReport = (util.load_station(name)).WeatherReport() self.time = time self.moonalt = moonaltitude self.moonaz = moonazimuth self.sunalt = sunaltitude self.sunaz = sunazimuth self.winddirection = winddirection self.windspeed = windspeed self.temperature = 9999 self.humidity = -1 self.lastest_weatherupdate_time = None self.debugmode = debugmode self.cloudscheck = cloudscheck self.cloudmap = None if cloudscheck: self.allsky = clouds.Clouds(name=name, fimage=fimage, debugmode=debugmode) self.update()
[docs] def updatemoonpos(self, Az, Alt = self.get_moon(obs_time=obs_time) self.moonalt = Alt self.moonaz = Az
[docs] def updatesunpos(self, Az, Alt = self.get_sun(obs_time=obs_time) self.sunalt = Alt self.sunaz = Az
[docs] def updateclouds(self): """ Excecutes the clouds code, if map not available, saves None to cloudmap """ try: self.allsky.update() self.cloudmap = self.allsky.observability_map except: logger.warning("Could not retrieve cloud map") self.cloudmap = None
[docs] def update(self,, minimal=False): """ minimal=True update only the moon and sun position. Useful for predictions (as you can't predict the clouds or winds, no need to refresh them) """ self.time=obs_time self.updatemoonpos(obs_time=obs_time) self.updatesunpos(obs_time=obs_time) if not minimal: self.updateweather() if self.cloudscheck: self.updateclouds()
def __str__(self, # not very elegant msg = "="*30+"\nName:\t\t%s\nDate:\t%s\n" %(, try: msg+= "Moon Altitude:\t%s\n"%self.moonalt.hour except AttributeError: msg+= "Moon Altitude:\tNone\n" try: # let's behave like real people and use a correct iso system msg+= "Moon Azimuth:\t%s\n" except AttributeError: msg+= "Moon Azimuth:\tNone\n" try: msg+= "Sun Altitude:\t%s\n"%self.sunalt.hour except AttributeError: msg+= "Sun Altitude:\tNone\n" try: # let's behave like real people and use a correct iso system msg+= "Sun Azimuth:\t%s\n" except AttributeError: msg+= "Sun Azimuth:\tNone\n" return msg
[docs] def updateweather(self): self.winddirection, self.windspeed, self.temperature, self.humidity = self.weatherReport.get(debugmode=self.debugmode) """ self.winddirection = WD self.windspeed = WS self.temperature = Temps self.humidity = RH """ checkvals = np.array([self.winddirection, self.windspeed, self.temperature, self.humidity]) li = np.where(checkvals == -9999)[0] if not len(li) == len(checkvals): self.lastest_weatherupdate_time =
[docs] def get_moon(self, observer = ephem.Observer() = obs_time.iso, observer.lon, observer.elevation =,, self.elev self.moon = ephem.Moon() self.moon.compute(observer) # Warning, ass-coding here: output of moon.ra is different from moon.ra.__str__()... clap clap clap alpha = angles.Angle(self.moon.ra.__str__(), unit="hour") delta = angles.Angle(self.moon.dec.__str__(), unit="degree") # return Az, Alt as Angle object return self.get_AzAlt(alpha, delta, obs_time)
[docs] def get_sun(self, observer = ephem.Observer() = obs_time.iso, observer.lon, observer.elevation =,, self.elev self.sun = ephem.Sun() self.sun.compute(observer) # Warning, ass-coding here: output of sun.ra is different from sun.ra.__str__()... clap clap clap - again alpha = angles.Angle(self.sun.ra.__str__(), unit="hour") delta = angles.Angle(self.sun.dec.__str__(), unit="degree") # return Az, Alt as Angle object return self.get_AzAlt(alpha, delta, obs_time)
[docs] def get_AzAlt(self, alpha, delta, obs_time=None, ref_dir=0): """ idea from Compute the azimuth and altitude of a source at a given time (by default current time of execution), given its alpha and delta coordinates. """ if not obs_time: obs_time = self.time lat, lon, elev =, self.lon, self.elev # Untouched code from D = obs_time.jd - 2451545.0 GMST = 18.697374558 + 24.06570982441908*D epsilon= np.deg2rad(23.4393 - 0.0000004*D) eqeq= -0.000319*np.sin(np.deg2rad(125.04 - 0.052954*D)) - 0.000024*np.sin(2.*np.deg2rad(280.47 + 0.98565*D))*np.cos(epsilon) GAST = GMST + eqeq GAST -= np.floor(GAST/24.)*24. LHA = angles.Angle((GAST-alpha.hour)*, unit="degree") if LHA > 0: LHA += angles.Angle(np.floor(LHA/360.)*360., unit="degree") else: LHA -= angles.Angle(np.floor(LHA/360.)*360., unit="degree") sina=np.cos(LHA.radian)*np.cos(delta.radian)*np.cos(lat.radian)+np.sin(delta.radian)*np.sin(lat.radian) Alt = angles.Angle(np.arcsin(sina),unit="radian") num = -np.sin(LHA.radian) den = np.tan(delta.radian)*np.cos(lat.radian)-np.sin(lat.radian)*np.cos(LHA.radian) Az = angles.Angle(np.arctan2(num,den), unit="radian") Az-=angles.Angle(ref_dir, unit="degree") # I changed this to get the same angle as the edp, using 0 (North) as reference if < 0: Az+=angles.Angle(360, unit="degree") return Az, Alt
[docs] def get_telescope_params(self):"location", "latitude")) self.lon=angles.Angle(self.location.get("location", "longitude")) self.elev = float(self.location.get("location", "elevation")) return, self.lon, self.elev
[docs] def get_nighthours(self, obs_night, twilight="nautical"): """ return a list of astropy Time objects, corresponding to the different hours of the obs_night """ sunrise, sunset = self.get_twilights(obs_night, twilight) sunrise = sunrise.tuple() sunset = sunset.tuple() sunset_time = Time('%i-%02i-%02i %i:%i:%.03f' % sunset, format='iso', scale='utc').mjd sunrise_time = Time('%i-%02i-%02i %i:%i:%.03f' % sunrise, format='iso', scale='utc').mjd mjds = np.linspace(sunset_time, sunrise_time, num=100) times = [Time(mjd, format='mjd', scale='utc') for mjd in mjds] return times
[docs] def get_twilights(self, obs_night, twilight="nautical"): """ return a list of astropy Time objects: twilight in, twilight out .. warning:: The twilight times in PyEphem don't take into account the altitude ! See `` """ lat, lon, elev =, self.lon, self.elev obs_time = Time('%s 05:00:00' % obs_night, format='iso', scale='utc') #5h UT is approx. the middle of the night obs_time = Time(obs_time.mjd + 1, format='mjd', scale='utc') # That corresponds to the next middle of the observing night. observer = ephem.Observer() observer.pressure = 0 = obs_time.iso = str( observer.lon = str( observer.elevation = elev # TODO: could compensate the altitude by changing the horzion altitude, but seems hard from my current pt of view if twilight == "civil": observer.horizon = '-6.' elif twilight == "nautical": observer.horizon = '-12.' elif twilight == "astronomical": observer.horizon = '-18.' else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown twilight definition") sun = ephem.Sun() sunset = observer.previous_setting(sun) sunrise = observer.next_rising(sun) return sunrise, sunset
#todo: generalize get_sun and get_moon into a single get_distance_to_obj function.