Source code for run

High-level functions around meteo and obs
Running the script should provide a minimal text output

import os, sys
from astropy.time import Time
import obs, meteo, plots
import importlib

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def startup(name='LaSilla', cloudscheck=True, debugmode=False): """ Initialize meteo :return: """ currentmeteo = meteo.Meteo(name=name, cloudscheck=cloudscheck, debugmode=debugmode) return currentmeteo
[docs]def refresh_status(meteo, observables=None, minimal=False, obs_time=None): """ Refresh the status :param observables: :param obs_time: :return: """ # update meteo if obs_time == None: obs_time = meteo.time meteo.update(obs_time, minimal=minimal) if observables: [obs.update(meteo) for obs in observables if obs.hidden == False]
[docs]def retrieve_obsprogramlist(): obsprogramlist = [] files = [f for f in os.listdir('obsprogram') if 'prog' in f and not 'pyc' in f] for f in files: name = f.split('prog')[1].split('.py')[0] program = importlib.import_module("obsprogram.prog{}".format(name), package=None) obsprogramlist.append({"name": name, "program": program}) return obsprogramlist
[docs]def hide_observables(observables, criteria): for c in criteria: for o in observables: if c["id"] == "airmass": if o.airmass > c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "moondist": if < c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "sundist": if < c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "observability": if o.observability <= c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "clouds": if o.cloudfree is not None and o.cloudfree <= c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif o.cloudfree is None: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "alphaboth": if o.alpha.to_string(sep=":", pad=True) <= c["min"] or o.alpha.to_string(sep=":", pad=True) >= c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "alphamin": if o.alpha.to_string(sep=":", pad=True) <= c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "alphamax": if o.alpha.to_string(sep=":", pad=True) >= c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "deltaboth": delta =":", pad=True).split(".")[0] # we start with the easy cases where max < min if len(c["max"]) > len(c["min"]): o.hidden = True elif len(c["max"]) == 8 and len(c["min"]) == 8 and c["min"] > c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif len(c["max"]) == 9 and len(c["min"]) == 9 and c["min"] < c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif len(delta) == 8: # then obs is positive if len(c["min"]) == 8 and len(c["max"]) == 8: # all positive, standard comparison if delta <= c["min"] or delta >= c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif len(c["max"]) == 8 and len(c["min"]) == 9: # obs is positive, min is negative --> ignore it if delta >= c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif len(c["max"]) == 9 and len(c["min"]) == 9: # obs is positive, constraint are negative --> hide obs o.hidden = True elif len(delta) == 9: # then obs is negative if len(c["min"]) == 8 and len(c["max"]) == 8: # obs negative, constraint positive --> hide obs o.hidden = True elif len(c["min"]) == 9 and len(c["max"]) == 8: # max constrain is positive, ignore it if delta >= c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif len(c["max"]) == 9 and len(c["min"]) == 9: # all negative, inverted comparison: if delta <= c["max"] or delta >= c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "deltamin": delta =":", pad=True).split(".")[0] if len(delta) == 8: # then obs is positive if len(c["min"]) == 8: # all positive, standard comparison if":", pad=True) <= c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif len(c["min"]) == 9: # constrain negative, ignore it pass elif len(delta) == 9: # then obs is negative if len(c["min"]) == 8: # cmin bigger than obs, hide it o.hidden = True elif len(c["min"]) == 9: # both negative, inverse comparison if":", pad=True) >= c["min"]: o.hidden = True elif c["id"] == "deltamax": delta =":", pad=True).split(".")[0] if len(delta) == 8: # then obs is positive if len(c["max"]) == 8: # all positive, standard comparison if":", pad=True) >= c["max"]: o.hidden = True elif len(c["max"]) == 9: # cmax smaller than obs, hide it o.hidden = True elif len(delta) == 9: # then obs is negative if len(c["max"]) == 8: # cmax bigger than obs, ignore it pass elif len(c["max"]) == 9: # both negative, inverse comparison if":", pad=True) <= c["max"]: o.hidden = True else: pass
if __name__ == "__main__": import logging logging.basicConfig(format='PID %(process)06d | %(asctime)s | %(levelname)s: %(name)s(%(funcName)s): %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.critical("This should say Python >= 3.0: {}".format(sys.version)) # initialize meteo currentmeteo = meteo.Meteo(name='LaSilla', cloudscheck=False, debugmode=False) # load a catalogue of observables observables = obs.rdbimport("../cats/2m2lenses.rdb", obsprogramcol=None, obsprogram='lens') #observables = [o for o in observables if == "PSJ1606-2333"] for o in observables: print(o.alpha.to_string(sep=":")) #sys.exit() obs_night = Time("2018-02-12 01:00:00", format='iso', scale='utc') #plots.shownightobs(observable=observables[0], meteo=currentmeteo, obs_night="2018-02-12", savefig=False, verbose=True) # show current status of all observables obs.showstatus(observables, currentmeteo, displayall=True) # update meteo at now currentmeteo.update( # newtime # todo create a new time object, play with it