Source code for plots

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import numpy as np
import os, sys
import urllib

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import util

[docs]def plot_airmass_on_sky(target, meteo, ax=None): """ Plots the airmass evolution on the sky of a given target at a given time. :param target: a `pouet.obs.Observable` class instance :param meteo: a `pouet.meteo.Meteo` class instance :param ax: the matplotlib axis to plot on. If None, then plot on a new figure """ delta_ts = np.linspace(-5, 5, 101) assert 0 in delta_ts index_zero = np.where(delta_ts == 0)[0][0] obs_time = meteo.time obs_times = obs_time + delta_ts * u.hour if ax is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca(projection='polar') plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.98) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) airmasses = [] azimuths = [] altitudes = [] times = [] for currenttime in obs_times: azimuth, altitude = meteo.get_AzAlt(target.alpha,, obs_time=currenttime) if > 0: azimuths.append(azimuth.radian) altitudes.append(90. - airmasses.append(util.elev2airmass(altitude.value, meteo.elev)) times.append(currenttime) else: azimuths.append(np.nan) altitudes.append(np.nan) airmasses.append(np.nan) times.append(np.nan) # More axes set-up. # Position of azimuth = 0 (data, not label). ax.set_theta_zero_location('N') # Direction of azimuth increase. Clockwise is -1 north_to_east_ccw = True if north_to_east_ccw is False: ax.set_theta_direction(-1) # Plot target coordinates. sp = ax.scatter(azimuths, altitudes, c=airmasses, s=20, vmin=1, vmax=2.0, cmap=plt.get_cmap("coolwarm")) # , alpha=0.7) # previous cmap: YlGn_r # Airmass colobar cbar = plt.colorbar(sp, pad=.1, ax=ax, shrink=0.9) cbar.set_label("Airmass") ax.set_title( "Airmass between {} and {} for {}".format(util.time2hhmm(obs_times[0]), util.time2hhmm(obs_times[-1]),, \ fontsize=10, y=1.08) # Now plot for obs_time, and add some time ticks degree_sign = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' ax.scatter(azimuths[index_zero], altitudes[index_zero], marker="x", c='darkorange') str_time = util.time2hhmm(obs_times[index_zero]) ax.annotate(str_time, xy=(azimuths[index_zero], altitudes[index_zero]), fontsize=12, ha="center", va="top", color="darkorange") for ele in [15, 30, 45, 60, 75]: if ele < 40: fmt = "{:1.2f}" else: fmt = "{:1.1f}" ax.annotate('{:d}{:s}'.format(ele, degree_sign), xy=(np.deg2rad(-23), ele), fontsize=8, color="grey", ha='center', va='bottom', rotation=-25) ax.annotate(fmt.format(util.elev2airmass(np.deg2rad(90. - ele), meteo.elev)), xy=(np.deg2rad(23), ele), fontsize=8, color="grey", ha='center', va='bottom', rotation=25) ax.annotate("Airmass", xy=(np.deg2rad(23), 88), fontsize=8, color="grey", ha='center', va='bottom', rotation=25) ax.annotate('0' + degree_sign + ' Alt', xy=(np.deg2rad(-23), 89), fontsize=8, color="grey", ha='center', va='bottom', rotation=-23) for ii in range(np.size(airmasses)): if not ii % 20 == 0: continue str_time = util.time2hhmm(obs_times[ii]) ax.annotate(str_time, xy=(azimuths[ii], altitudes[ii]), fontsize=12, ha="left", va="baseline", color="k") ax.scatter(azimuths[ii], altitudes[ii], marker=".", c='darkorange', s=2) ax.set_rlim(1, 90) r_labels = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] ax.set_rgrids(range(0, 105, 15), r_labels) # Redraw the figure for interactive sessions. ax.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs]def shownightobs(observable, meteo, obs_night=None, savefig=False, dirpath=None, verbose=False): """ Plot the observability of one observable along the night #todo: add the option to be returned in an Axes object instead of plotting """ if not obs_night: meteo.time.format = 'iso' hour = int(meteo.time.value.split()[1][:2]) if hour < 12: obs_night = Time(meteo.time.mjd - 1, format='mjd', scale='utc') else: obs_night = Time(meteo.time.mjd, format='mjd', scale='utc') obs_night.format = 'iso' obs_night = obs_night.value.split()[0] # list of times between nautical twilights times = meteo.get_nighthours(obs_night) #mymeteo = pythoncopy.deepcopy(meteo) # as we don't want to affect the current meteo, we make a copy that we update with the time mymeteo = meteo obss = [] moonseps = [] airmasses = [] for time in times: mymeteo.update(obs_time=time, minimal=True) observable.compute_observability(meteo=mymeteo, displayall=True, cloudscheck=False, verbose=verbose) observable.compute_airmass(mymeteo) obss.append(observable.observability) moonseps.append( airmasses.append(observable.airmass) # create the x ticks labels every hour Time('%s 05:00:00' % obs_night, format='iso', scale='utc') hstart=22 hend=12 nhbm = 24-hstart # number of hours before midnight... myhours = [] for hour in np.arange(nhbm)[::-1]: myhours.append(24-(hour+1)) for hour in np.arange(hend+1): myhours.append(hour) myhours = ["%02i:00:00" % h for h in myhours] mytimes = [Time('%s %s' % (obs_night, h), format='iso', scale='utc') for h in myhours[:nhbm]] for h in myhours[nhbm:]: t = Time('%s %s' % (obs_night, h), format='iso', scale='utc') t = Time(t.mjd + 1, format='mjd', scale='utc') mytimes.append(t) tmin, tmax = times[0].mjd, times[-1].mjd xmax=len(obss) xs = [(t.mjd-tmin)*xmax/(tmax-tmin) for t in mytimes] labels = [str(h[:5]) for h in myhours] starttimes = [] stoptimes = [] # todo: this needs to be improved. if 1 in obss: starttimes.append(times[obss.index(1)]) stoptimes.append(times[::-1][obss[::-1].index(1)]) if 0.8 in obss: starttimes.append(times[obss.index(0.8)]) stoptimes.append(times[::-1][obss[::-1].index(0.8)]) if 0.7 in obss: starttimes.append(times[obss.index(0.7)]) stoptimes.append(times[::-1][obss[::-1].index(0.7)]) if 0.5 in obss: starttimes.append(times[obss.index(0.5)]) stoptimes.append(times[::-1][obss[::-1].index(0.5)]) if not 1 in obss and not 0.8 in obss and not 0.7 in obss and not 0.5 in obss: print(("%s is not observable tonight !" % return starttime = min(starttimes) stoptime = max(stoptimes) # shift the start and stoptime if needed if starttime.mjd > stoptime.mjd - (observable.exptime/60./1440.): starttime = Time(stoptime.mjd - (observable.exptime/60./1440.), format='mjd', scale='utc') if stoptime.mjd < starttime.mjd + (observable.exptime/60./1440.): stoptime = Time(starttime.mjd + (observable.exptime/60./1440.), format='mjd', scale='utc') starttime = starttime.iso stoptime = stoptime.iso plt.figure(figsize=(8,1.3)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.02, right=0.98, bottom=0.45, top=0.7) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) xticks = np.arange(len(obss)) plt.xticks(xs, labels, fontsize=16) # green, everything is fine if 1 in obss: plt.axvspan(obss.index(1), len(obss)-obss[::-1].index(1), color='chartreuse') # blue, problem with moon sep, airmass or both. #todo: code that better if 0.8 in obss: color = "royalblue" plt.axvspan(obss.index(0.8), len(obss)-obss[::-1].index(0.8), color=color) msg = "Moonsep = %i" % int(min(moonseps)) plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0, -1.5), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, color=color) if 0.7 in obss: color = "royalblue" plt.axvspan(obss.index(0.7), len(obss)-obss[::-1].index(0.7), color=color) msg = "Airmass > 1.5" plt.annotate(msg, xy=(0, -1.5), xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, color=color) if 0.5 in obss: color = "indianred" plt.axvspan(obss.index(0.5), len(obss)-obss[::-1].index(0.5), color='indianred') msg = "Moonsep = %i, Airmass > 1.5" % int(min(moonseps)) plt.annotate(msg, xy=(1.0, -1.5), ha="right", xycoords='axes fraction', fontsize=14, color=color) plt.axis([min(xticks), max(xticks), 0.0, 1.0]) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.xlabel('UT', fontsize=18) plt.suptitle(" ("+starttime.split(" ")[1][:5]+" --> "+stoptime.split(" ")[1][:5]+")", fontsize=25, y=0.93) if savefig: assert dirpath != None if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirpath, obs_night)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dirpath, obs_night)) path = os.path.join(dirpath, obs_night,'.png') plt.savefig(path) print(("Plot saved on %s" % path)) else:
[docs]def plot_target_on_sky(target, figure=None, northisup=True, eastisright=False, boxsize=None, survey='DSS', cmap="Greys"): """ Uses astroquery (hopefully soon accessible from `astropy.vo`) to plot an image of the target """ from astroquery.skyview import SkyView from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord skycoord = SkyCoord(target.alpha, position = skycoord.icrs if boxsize is None: boxsize = 10.*u.arcmin else: boxsize *= 1.*u.arcmin try: hdu = SkyView.get_images(position=position, coordinates='icrs', survey=survey, radius=boxsize, grid=True)[0][0] except urllib.error.HTTPError: logger.warning("Looks like there is no coverage for survey {}. Either you or the server is offline!".format(survey)) if figure is None: ax = plt.gca() else: figure.clear() ax = figure.gca() ax.clear() ax.plot([-1,1],[-1,1], lw=4, c='red') ax.annotate('No image for {} in survey {}'.format(, survey), xy=(0, -0.8), rotation=0, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10) ax.patch.set_facecolor("None") ax.axis('off') ax.figure.canvas.draw() return ax except: logger.warning("Cannot download Sky Chart image from survey {}. Either you or the server is offline!".format(survey)) if figure is None: ax = plt.gca() else: figure.clear() ax = figure.gca() ax.clear() ax.plot([-1,1],[-1,1], lw=4, c='k') ax.plot([-1,1],[1,-1], lw=4, c='k') ax.annotate('No connection to GSFC NASA Server', xy=(0, -0.8), rotation=0, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=10) ax.patch.set_facecolor("None") ax.axis('off') ax.figure.canvas.draw() return ax wcs = WCS(hdu.header) if figure is None: ax = plt.gca(projection=wcs) else: figure.clear() ax = figure.gca(projection=wcs) image_data = ax.imshow(image_data, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap)) imgsize = image_data.shape[0] inner_boundary = 0.02 outer_boundary = 0.08 lwr = 2.5 cr = 'firebrick' alphar = 0.5 ax.axvline(x=0.5*imgsize, ymin=0.5+inner_boundary, ymax=0.5+outer_boundary, lw=lwr, c=cr, alpha=alphar) ax.axhline(y=0.5*imgsize, xmin=0.5+inner_boundary, xmax=0.5+outer_boundary, lw=lwr, c=cr, alpha=alphar) arrowkwargs = {'width':0.5, 'headwidth':4, 'shrink':0.05, 'color':cr, 'alpha':alphar} if northisup: ax.invert_yaxis() ax.annotate('', xy=(0.85, 0.25), xytext=(0.85, 0.05), xycoords="axes fraction", textcoords="axes fraction", arrowprops=arrowkwargs, ) ax.annotate('N', xy=(0.835, 0.255), xycoords="axes fraction", color=cr) else: ax.annotate('', xy=(0.85, 0.05), xytext=(0.85, 0.25), xycoords="axes fraction", textcoords="axes fraction", arrowprops=arrowkwargs, ) ax.annotate('N', xy=(0.833, 0.02), xycoords="axes fraction", color=cr) if eastisright: ax.invert_xaxis() ax.annotate('', xy=(0.95, 0.15), xytext=(0.75, 0.15), xycoords="axes fraction", textcoords="axes fraction", arrowprops=arrowkwargs, ) ax.annotate('E', xy=(0.95, 0.137), xycoords="axes fraction", color=cr) else: ax.annotate('', xy=(0.75, 0.15), xytext=(0.95, 0.15), xycoords="axes fraction", textcoords="axes fraction", arrowprops=arrowkwargs, ) ax.annotate('E', xy=(0.72, 0.137), xycoords="axes fraction", color=cr) # Redraw the figure for interactive sessions. ax.figure.canvas.draw() return ax
if __name__ == "__main__": print("Welcome to demo mode") import meteo as meteomodule import obs currentmeteo = meteomodule.Meteo(name="LaSilla", cloudscheck=False, debugmode=True) currentmeteo.time = Time("2018-02-15 07:00:00.0") target = obs.Observable(name="2M1134-2103", obsprogram="lens",alpha="11:34:40.5", delta="-21:03:23") #target = obs.Observable(name="HE0435-1223", obsprogram="lens",alpha="04:38:14.9", delta="-12:17:14.4") plot_target_on_sky(target=target) exit() plot_airmass_on_sky(target=target, meteo=currentmeteo) shownightobs(target, currentmeteo)