Source code for clouds

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
import copy
#todo: there seem to be a problem with urllib.request which does not exists anymore...?
#import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error        
import requests
import astropy.time
from astropy import units as u

import util

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Definition of the class

[docs]class Clouds(): """ This class loads and analyses an all sky image of the Sky and returns an observability map that can be used by another method to advise the observer on the sky quality. :note: This module can also be used to explore older images, see the example code in `__main__()`. """ def __init__(self, name, fimage=None, debugmode=False): """ Initialises the class :param fimage: (default is None) filename of the all sky image to analyse :type: string :param name: (default is "LaSilla") name of the location to load the right config file :param debugmode: whether or not POUET is in debugmode. If true, it ought to return some static and dummy data """ self.location = name self.station = (util.load_station(name)).AllSky() self.last_im_refresh = None self.debugmode = debugmode self.failed_connection = False if fimage is None: fimage = "current.jpg" if debugmode: fimage = "config/AllSkyDebugMode.jpg" # To be used for debug purposes logger.warning("Cloud analysis is working in debug mode (not using the real current image)") self.fimage = fimage self.observability_map = None
[docs] def retrieve_image(self): """ Downloads the current all sky from the server and saves it to disk. The url of the image is retrived from the corresponding configuration file. """ if not self.debugmode: try:"Loading all sky from {}...".format(self.station.params['url'])) #urllib.request.urlretrieve(self.params['url'], "current.JPG") open("current.jpg", 'wb').write(requests.get(self.station.params['url']).content) self.failed_connection = False except : self.failed_connection = True logger.warning("Cannot download All Sky image. Either you or the server is offline!") return 1 self.im_masked, self.im_original = loadallsky(self.fimage, station=self.station, return_complete=True) self.last_im_refresh =
[docs] def update(self, donotdownloadtime=1.5): """ Downloads the image, detects the stars and returns the observability map :param donotdownloadtime: minimum elapsed time before re-downloading an image, default: 1.5 min. :return: an observability map with the same dimension as the input image. Then, use all sky get image coordinate method to retrieve observability for a given target. """ if not self.last_im_refresh is None and ( - self.last_im_refresh).to(u.s).value / 60. < donotdownloadtime:"Last image was downloaded more recently than {} minutes ago, I don't download it again".format(donotdownloadtime)) #Seems to be okay#logger.critical("TODO: make sure that this map is correct and there's no .T missing (see get_observability_map)") return self.observability_map self.retrieve_image() if self.failed_connection: logger.warning("Connection down and not running in debugmode so cannot analyse All Sky") return None x, y = self.detect_stars() return self.get_observability_map(x, y)
[docs] def detect_stars(self, sigma_blur=1.2, threshold=8, neighborhood_size=20, fwhm_threshold=5, meas_star=True, return_all=False): """ Analyses the images to find the stars. .. todo:: describe algo in more details :param sigma_blur: Sigma of the Gaussian kernel (in px) :param threshold: threshold of detection :param neighborhood_size: footprint of the maximum and minimum filters :param fwhm_threshold: select objects smaller than this fwhm :param meas_star: if not interested in computing fwhm for all objects bypass and return positions of objects :param return_all: if `True`, returns the positions of stars + detected objects otherwise only stars """ logger.debug("Detecting stars in All Sky...") original = self.im_original image = filters.gaussian_filter(self.im_masked, sigma_blur) data_max = filters.maximum_filter(image, neighborhood_size) maxima = (image == data_max) data_min = filters.minimum_filter(image, neighborhood_size) # In order to avoid outputing warnings, remove all nans (not the Indian bread) delta_arr = data_max - data_min delta_arr[np.isnan(delta_arr)] = 0. diff = (delta_arr > threshold) maxima[diff == 0] = 0 labeled, _ = ndimage.label(maxima) slices = ndimage.find_objects(labeled) x, y = [], [] for dy, dx in slices: x_center = (dx.start + dx.stop - 1)/2 x.append(x_center) y_center = (dy.start + dy.stop - 1)/2 y.append(y_center) if not meas_star: return x, y resx = [] resy = [] for xx, yy in zip(x, y): f = fwhm(original, xx, yy, 18) if f < fwhm_threshold: resx.append(xx) resy.append(yy) #resfwhm.append(f) logger.debug("Done. {} stars found".format(len(resx))) if return_all: return resx, resy, x, y else: return resx, resy
[docs] def get_observability_map(self, x, y, threshold=50, filter_sigma=2): """ Returns an observability map (an image of the sky) :param x: x coordinates of detected stars :param y: y coordinates of detected stars :param threshold: distance threshold in px of stars such that we have observations :param filter_sigma: sigma of the Gaussian kernel, default=2 :return: an observability map with the same dimension as the input image. """ observability = copy.copy(self.im_masked) * 0. if len(x) > 0: notnans = np.where(np.isnan(self.im_masked) == False) notnans = list(zip(notnans[0], notnans[1])) tree = cKDTree(list(zip(x,y))) for nx, ny in notnans: obs = len(tree.query_ball_point((ny,nx), threshold)) if obs > 2 : observability[nx,ny] = 1. elif obs > 1 : observability[nx,ny] = 0.5 observability = filters.gaussian_filter(observability, filter_sigma) self.observability_map = observability.T return observability
################################################################################################### # Utilitaries for clouds (only specific functions for that particular module ###################################################################################################
[docs]def rgb2gray(arr): """ Converts from RGB to gray. .. note:: The all sky in LaSilla is not RGB, but JPG is is 3D... """ red = arr[:,:,0] green = arr[:,:,1] blue = arr[:,:,2] return 0.299 * red + 0.587 * green + 0.144 * blue
[docs]def loadallsky(fnimg, station, return_complete=False): """ Loads the all sky image :param return_complete: returns the masked image and the unmasked image :return: Masked image or masked image and original image. Note that if cannot download, returns `None` or `None, None`. """ logger.debug("Loading image {}...".format(fnimg)) im = scipy.ndimage.imread(fnimg) ar = np.array(im) if len(np.shape(ar)) != 3: logging.warning("Something went wrong during the AllSky download, skipping this") if return_complete: return None, None else: return None ar = rgb2gray(ar) rest = copy.copy(ar) mask = station.get_mask(ar) ar[mask] = np.nan if return_complete: return ar, rest else: return ar
[docs]def gaussian(params, stamp, stampsize): """ Returns a 2D gaussian profile :param params: a list of the Gaussian profile: centroid (`x` and `y`), sigma (`std`), intensity (`i0`) and constant background (`sky`) :param stamp: the original imagette :param stampsize: the size of the stamp to draw the Gaussian in. :return: residues of the gaussian - `stamp` """ xc, yc, std, i0, sky = params x = np.arange(stampsize) x = x.astype(np.float64) std = std.astype(np.float64) i0 = i0.astype(np.float64) x, y = np.meshgrid(x,x) x -= xc y -= yc r = np.hypot(x,y) g = i0 * np.exp (-0.5 * (r / std)**2.) / std / np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) + sky g -= stamp return np.ravel(g)
[docs]def fwhm(data,xc,yc,stampsize,show=False, verbose=False): """ Fits a 2D Gaussian profile and returns the FWHM in px :param data: the stamp containing the image :param xc: centroid x position :param yc: centroid y position :param stampsize: size of nominal square stampe :param show: shows a diagnostic plot of the fit :param verbose: should I speak? :return: fwhm in px """ #TODO: remove verbose since I use loggger? if xc < stampsize or yc < stampsize or data.shape[1]-xc < stampsize or data.shape[0]-yc < stampsize: if verbose: logger.debug("WARNING: Star at %d %d could not be measured (too close to edge)" % (xc,yc)) return np.nan assert stampsize % 2==0 #make sure it's an integer xi=int(xc-stampsize/2.) xf=int(xc+stampsize/2.) yi=int(yc-stampsize/2.) yf=int(yc+stampsize/2.) stamp=data[yi:yf,xi:xf] if np.isnan(np.sum(stamp)): if verbose: logger.debug("WARNING: Star at %d %d could not be measured (contains NaN)" % (xc,yc)) return np.nan if show: import pylab as plt plt.figure() plt.imshow(stamp,interpolation="nearest") """plt.figure() plt.scatter([xc],[yc],marker='+', s=50,c='k') plt.scatter([xi,xi,xf,xf],[yi,yf,yi,yf],marker='+', s=50,c='k') plt.imshow(data,interpolation="nearest")""" guess=[stampsize/2.,stampsize/2.,2.,1e5, np.median(data)] p, _ = leastsq(gaussian,guess,args=(stamp,stampsize)) if p[2]<0.2 or p[2]>1e3: if verbose: logger.debug("WARNING: Star at %d %d could not be measured (width unphysical)" % (xc,yc)) #return np.nan if verbose: logger.debug(p) logger.debug('x=%.2f' % (xi+p[0])) logger.debug('y=%.2f' % (yi+p[1])) logger.debug('width=%.2f' % p[2]) logger.debug('FWHM=%.2f' % (p[2] * 2. * np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.)))) if show: plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.log10(data),interpolation="nearest") xs=[xi,xf,xf,xi,xi] ys=[yi,yi,yf,yf,yi] plt.scatter(xi+p[0],yi+p[1],marker="*",c='k') plt.plot(xs,ys,color="red") plt.xlim([0,np.shape(data)[0]-1]) plt.ylim([np.shape(data)[1]-1,0]) return p[2] * 2. * np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.))
################################################################################################### # Standard examples to be analysed when running ################################################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) station = util.load_station("LaSilla").AllSky() list_of_images = glob.glob("to_test/*.JPG") print("I found %s images" % len(list_of_images)) imgs = [] for fim in list_of_images: imgs.append(loadallsky(fim, station=station)) """ img = None for fim in list_of_images: if img is None: img = util.loadallsky(fim) else: img += util.loadallsky(fim) imgs = [img] """ #plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest'); exit() for i, im in enumerate(imgs): print('Treating', list_of_images[i]) imo = copy.deepcopy(im) analysis = Clouds(fimage = list_of_images[i], name="LaSilla") analysis.im_masked, analysis.im_original = loadallsky(list_of_images[i], station=station, return_complete=True) analysis.mask = station.get_mask(analysis.im_original) x, y, ax, ay = analysis.detect_stars(return_all=True) observability = analysis.get_observability_map(x, y) #print '0, 30,', analysis.is_observable(np.deg2rad(0), np.deg2rad(30)) #print '0, -30,', analysis.is_observable(np.deg2rad(0), np.deg2rad(-30)) #print '180, 0,', analysis.is_observable(np.deg2rad(180), np.deg2rad(0)) plt.figure(figsize=(18,6)) plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.imshow(imo, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys_r')) plt.scatter(ax, ay, s=4, marker='o', edgecolors='g', color='none') #plt.scatter(x, y, s=4, marker='o', edgecolors='r', color='none') plt.title('Detected peaks') plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.imshow(imo, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys_r')) plt.scatter(x, y, s=4, marker='o', edgecolors='r', color='none') plt.title('Detected stars') plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.imshow(imo, vmin=0, vmax=255, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys_r')) plt.imshow(observability, cmap=plt.get_cmap('RdYlGn'), alpha=0.2) plt.title("Observability")