Set-up POUET


…is currently not required. Simply clone/download the repository and move to its root.

Make sure you have all the requirements installed

pip install docs/requirements.txt


Compatibility with older version of the required modules has not been assessed, but might be working. If you find any backward compatibility, please let us know

Tree structure

At the root of POUET, you will find the following directories

  • archives contains old pieces of code (will disappear in a future version)
  • cats contains the catalogs loaded/saved by POUET
  • docs contains the documentation and requirement files
  • misc contains stuff (will disappear in a future version)
  • pouet contains the source code
  • standalone contains standalone version of the plots (will disappear in a future version)
  • tests contains a series of tests to ensure smooth continuous integration

We will describe these in due time.


From the root directory:

python pouet/

This will launch POUET in a dedicated window.

POUET mainwindow

A fresh POUET session.